Read this article for easy steps to find your Pulse Check bitly link, make a QR code, and edit any of the graphics Possip provides with a free Canva account.
Jump to the directions you need!
- Find your Pulse Check Bitly Link
- Make QR Codes
- Edit a Flyer or Graphic in Canva
- Customizable letters and graphics provided by Possip!
How to find your Possip Pulse Check Bitly link:
STEP 1: Log in to the Possip Platform.
STEP 2: Select Update Settings from your landing page on the Action Hub menu on the far left.
STEP 3: Select and Copy your Bitly Link for Web-based Pulse Checks.
How to Make QR Codes:
STEP 1: Find a trusted free QR Converter online, like Bitly's.
STEP 2: Paste each URL into the QR Code Converter.
How To Edit a Flyer or Image in Canva:
STEP 1: Create a free Canva account.
STEP 2: Once you are logged into Canva, click on the flyer or graphic image you want to update. (Here is an example flyer.)
STEP 3: Select File on the top left of your browser window, and then select Make a copy from the dropdown menu.
STEP 4: Apply your own edits. Check out this video for a quick walk through on how to edit a flyer!
And here's a walkthrough on how to customize the social media graphics we provide:
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