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  2. Bonus Questions
  3. Family Sample Bonus Questions™️

Middle of the Year

Sample Bonus Questions™ to ask during the middle of the school year

  • As we close the first semester, please share praise for a specific teacher who is doing great work for your student. How did they help your student?
  • What is something that exceeded your expectations first semester? 
  • Do you have a good understanding of your student's current academic progress? Please reply: Yes, Mostly, or No. If you say, Mostly or No, please explain.
  • Do you know how to access the final grades for first semester? Please reply Yes or No.
  • How do you feel about the amount of communication that you received from the school in the first semester? Please reply:  1) Too Little, 2) Just Right, 3) Too Much
  • Will you be enrolling your student for the next school year? Please reply: Yes, Maybe, No or Graduating.

Need help editing any of these questions to match your specific need? Reach out to your Customer Relationship Manager or support@possip.com.