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  2. Bonus Questions
  3. Family Sample Bonus Questions™️

Limited Follow-Up Needed

Sample Bonus Questions™ to ask that require limited or no follow-up to families

  • We’re planning family and parent events for next semester. Please reply with the number of the event you’re most interested in: (List your potential events here)
  • Did you attend the recent parent-teacher conferences? Please reply: Yes or No, and if no, please let us know why: 1)Transportation 2) Language differences 3) Scheduling conflict
    4) Did not receive an invitation 5) Other, please explain
  • How useful was your recent parent-teacher conference in understanding your child’s experience at school? 1) Very Helpful 2) Helpful 3) Not helpful 4) Did not attend
  • What day can you attend school events? Please select all that apply. 

    1)Monday, 2)Tuesday, 3)Wednesday, 4)Thursday, 5)Friday, 6) Saturday 7) I prefer virtual events 

  • What time works best for you to attend school events? ( ex:8-12am, 12-4 pm, 4-7 pm) 
  • State testing begins next month (insert dates). What resources would be most helpful as we think about testing? Please select all that apply.1)Tips on how to support your student on test-taking days 2) Support in understanding your student’s scores 3) A calendar with specific dates and content area tested each day 4) A list of what students needs to bring
    5) Info on any schedule changes 6) Other - please share!
  • How prepared do you feel your child was for (insert name of test)? Please choose an option below and share a shoutout if there was a teacher or administrator who helped your child feel prepared. 1) Very prepared 2) Prepared 3) Neutral 4) Unprepared 5) Very unprepared
  • How can we best support families and scholars who are feeling pressure about the upcoming (insert name of test)? Please reply with all that apply. 1) Parent workshops on stress reduction techniques 2) Student stress management sessions 3) Counseling services for scholars 4) Sending home additional resources for coping with test anxiety
  • Do you know who to contact at {{School. Name}} with questions about___________?
    (insert choice: academics/attendance/school safety/extracurricular activities/enrollment)   Please reply Yes or No.
  • Do you feel welcome at your child’s school? Please reply Yes, Mostly, or No.
  • Have you spoken to a counselor from {{School.Name}} this school year about your child’s experience? Please reply Yes or No.
  • Do you feel confident that {{School.Name}} is preparing your child to succeed academically? Please reply Yes, Mostly, or No. 
  • How helpful is communication about academic progress from your child's teachers at
    {{School.Name}} ? 1) Extremely helpful 2) Helpful 3) A little helpful 4) Not at all helpful 5) I do not receive this type of communication
  • Do you know how to access your student’s grades? Please reply Yes or No