How to Export Praise Comments

Download your praise report to see all praise comments shared about your school community and staff.

The Praise Export includes all responses to the praise question that your school or district has received this school year through Possip. Once downloaded, you can use this data to highlight positive things in your community and to celebrate and recognize your teachers. Need some inspiration for celebrating staff? Check out these ideas.

Sometimes parents/staff/students offer a response that isn't solely praise - so it's helpful to review the export before sharing broadly.



Log in to  and click on "View Schools."

STEP 2: To view all the praise for your district, click on "Exports."

STEP 3:  Click on "Praise Export." This export will be delivered to your email inbox. 

STEP 4:  Once delivered, you can sort and filter the spreadsheet to organize the data in a way that makes it easy to share. If you want an individual school export, click on that school and repeat steps 2 and 3.


To get an export for a single school:

STEP 1: Click on a specific school name if you're a district admin or any tile on the home screen if you're a school admin.

STEP 2: Click on "Exports."

STEP 3:  Click on "Praise Export."  This export will be delivered to your email inbox. 


If you have any questions about this process, please send us an email or use our chat!