Dive deeper into your data to address your strategic questions: analyze data by groups of interest, look at trends over time, and compare to national benchmarks.
The responses you gather through Possip hold a treasure trove of information you can use. With a Possip Data Package, we can help you analyze and get the most out of your data. Your data holds insights that can steer and improve many of your top initiatives such as :
- Community and staff recruitment and retention strategies
- Tactics to support employee/staff leadership
- Outreach and inclusion of different segments of your community
- Community or staff engagement compared to national benchmarks
- ...and more!
Example Insights
A Data Package offered by Possip can address a variety of your questions.
- Are your new employees/new community members having a different experience than returning employees/new community?
- What are the most common questions and concerns raised by people who didn’t re-enroll/join, or staff who did not return this year?
- Is there a group of your happiest community members or staff members who might be promoters of your community/organization/business/municipality/etc.?
- Do the concerns of your community or staff vary?
- How does feedback at your organization compare to national trends?
For Schools
Deliverables are highly customizable to your data and your questions. Here are some example slides:
Individual School FAMILY Example Slides
District or Network FAMILY Example Slides
District or Network STAFF Example Slides
We usually do this quarterly, but we can tailor the frequency to fit your needs. We can't wait to dig into your data with you!
For more information and pricing reach out to your Customer Relationship Manager or email us at support@possip.com.