1. Help Desk
  2. Bonus Questions
  3. Family Sample Bonus Questions™️

Family Engagement

Sample Bonus Questions™ to ask about family events and experiences in your school community

  • Do you feel a part of the community in our school? Please reply: Yes, Maybe, or No, and share why
  • What kind of family information sessions or family activities would you like to see at school?
  • What feedback do you have for our recent _____ event?
  • Are you coming to the event “___________" on “_________(date)”? Please reply: Yes, Maybe, or No. Learn more about the event here: ADD LINK WITH INFO
  • Did you attend the recent parent-teacher conferences? Please chose one of the following: 1)Yes; 2)No, I had transportation issues; 3) No, I had a scheduling conflict; 4) No, I was unaware of the date/time, 5) No, for other reasons (please share more)
  • Are there any barriers that prevent you from attending our family events? Please select all that apply: 1) Transportation 2) Language 3) Work 4) Time conflict 5) Childcare Challenges (Options can be customized) 

Need help editing any of these questions to match your specific need?   Reach out to your Customer Relationship Manager or support@possip.com.